1) I'm gonna do a thread. I'm gonna do a thing. It's about time we had one of these threads. It's deep thinking kinda threads, that 200 IQ level thread that can only be comprehended by pounding glasses of bourbon.

Topic? Memetic vectors, dumbasses at the Daily Beast, and Biden.
2) First, an archive of this Daily Beast article about Joe Biden's digital campaign allegedly knowing what its doing.

I use the word allegedly in the very literal sense, as I disagree fundamentally. http://archive.is/diFyc 
3) Secondly, my thread from November 8th, 2017, talking about memetic vectors, a little over a year after Trump's electoral victory in 2016. https://twitter.com/HNIJohnMiller/status/928454699581308928
4) In that thread, I asserted that Trump's victory came through the use of viral memes, and better usage of memetic vectors, with a mixture of bottom-up vectors and mid-level top-down vectors. A fuckton of grassroots support of random people on the internet and a few big names
5) Clinton, meanwhile, used top-down vectors at the highest level almost exclusively, relying on massive media support alone to spread ideas in mass.

This is where it gets funny.
6) Democrats honestly believe that the level of Trump support from bottom-up memetic vectors was impossible, that it was unreal. They honestly believe that it was a bunch of Russian bots because that's the only explanation they can accept.
7) They put such a value to their own voice and their own ideas that they cannot possibly conceive of thousands of independent voices drowning them out. So obviously, those thousands of voices can't be real.

That's their logic.
8) And now, the Daily Beast displays how the Biden campaign is making the EXACT SAME MISTAKE.
9) First, an archives Quartz article from last year describing the funniest fucking phenomena.

"TikTok banned political ads—but pro-Trump content is thriving and misleading teens" http://archive.is/9go1K 
10) "Earlier this month TikTok announced that it would not accept political advertising, but political messaging is doing quite well on the platform, and reaching millions of young people who are the app’s primary user base—and who are emerging voters."
11) So, because they couldn't use advertising to generate top-down vectors artificially, Trump supporters who are almost all bottom-up vectors are dominating Tiktok.

Let's see what Biden's campaign thinks about Tiktok. http://archive.is/diFyc 
12) "“For us to try and force it by having [Biden} go on TikTok and Hit The Woah or whatever, that just doesn't compute with who the guy is.”"

Well, shit. If that don't just beat all. You mean Biden can't compete with a bunch of random kids on Tiktok? NOOOOOO SHIT.
13) I mean, the leading rhetorical question from the article is fucking hilarious. "The currency of electoral politics is engagement. But what if engaging certain audiences is not always a good thing?"

This is the excuse they're making, that Daily Beast is trying to build.
14) 'Well, you see, Biden just doesn't jive with these young turkeys you see, so he has to be more selective' they say as the Biden campaign is effectively retreating from Tiktok due to being absolutely fucking facerolled on the platform by bottom-up memetic vectors.
15) "That’s the question the Biden campaign is trying to answer as it navigates a novel political landscape, in which the act of campaigning has been reduced to a series of decisions about which platforms to engage from the candidate’s home."
16) That is also what I've been saying about the Kung Flu for awhile now. Biden's campaign is going full digital, because they have to, and at first it WAS a blessing for them, because Biden in person is a goddamn nightmare for his campaign managers.
17) "Often, the choices they’ve made have proved correct." That's debatable.

"But occasionally they have not, as evidenced by the storm kicked up Friday when, appearing on Charlamagne tha God’s The Breakfast Club"

IE, they fucked up royal.
18) See, the attempts to appear on these internet talk shows is an attempt to get mid-level top-down memetic vectors, an avenue that Hillary Clinton effectively lacked altogether. She did not have anyone like Thomas Wictor or Scott Adams spreading memetic ideas for her campaign
19) But now,t here hasn't been a single instance of Biden working with a mid level top-down memetic vector to a result in his favor. It just hasn't happened.
20) See, what they've realized now, and what this Daily Beast article is trying to set up for them, is for Biden to fully retreat from social media.

"For Biden, can less truly, actually, be more?"

21) "...the day prior to the Charlamagne interview, Biden’s digital director didn’t directly say the campaign is deliberately limiting exposure. But he did say that the campaign wasn’t just cognizant of the dangers of over-engagement but actively strategizing against it"
22) "As documented by Peter Hamby in Vanity Fair, Biden’s appearances have been selected with the awareness that contrived settings are likely counterproductive—convincing the very audiences they’re trying to reach that he was there merely to shill for their votes. " 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
23) Biden's mere presence is outright TOXIC. The man hit a string of gaffs and sheer fucking nonsense before the Kung Flu 'struck', forcing him into his basement. They tried to softball him out on the internet. And now he's self destructing WHEREVER he goes.
24) "“For most candidates, more exposure is a good thing, but then there’s Biden,” said Rebecca Katz, a progressive strategist who has been critical of Biden. “It’s important to meet voters where they are, but only if you’re not offending them when you do it.”" NOOOOOOOOOOO SHIT.
25) "During the primary, he lagged in building up a small-dollar donor network, despite benefiting from the Obama-Biden email list. His campaign’s engagement on social media platforms was pedestrian and he kept largely within his media comfort zone." HE HAS NO BOTTOM UP VECTORS.
26) Biden does not generate positive supportive content. His followers can only attack, because they aren't able to defend Biden. He has reached a point of being indefensible for bottom-up vectors, which is why all of the excuses come from top-down memetic vectors.
27) "Biden made a bet that nostalgia for the Obama years and old-school campaigning would prove more determinative and, well, he was right." No it would not prove more effective. Biden can't beat Trump's rallies, when the old-school campaigning couldn't happen, LOOK WHAT HAPPENED
28) "Whatever plans the campaign had to adjust its approach online came to a halt with the spread of the coronavirus. Early on, it appeared that being confined to his basement merely accentuated Biden’s deficits." Appear to? They tried to edit out the gaffs. THERE WERE TOO MANY.
29) "The portrait of a candidate stuck in the dial-up generation was hardened by the daily tech problems and the verbal stumbles that defined his live streaming."

Yes. Because the mistakes were constant. The videos and live streams were supposed to be a consistent thing.
30) Daily Beast then goes into full on pander mode. "Biden’s standing against Trump is both remarkably persistent and historically good for a challenger facing an incumbent." REALLY? REALLY? Because Biden just fucked up royal, what, Friday was the Charlamagne interview?
31) "His grassroots fundraising has notably improved, having scored the single-day and single-hour record for donations through the online giving site ActBlue, according to ActBlue." ActBlue, attempting to do everything it can to save face. Hilarious.
32) "Biden is adopting a different tack. One of the principles of his online outreach is that the candidate himself can’t always be the primary messenger." AND THERE WE FUCKING GO.

They're accepting that they can't use Biden to campaign for his own damn self.
33) "In order to tap into that paradigm, the campaign has tried to create organic content that Biden-supportive voters or trusted voices can help push through various channels."

And they're failing to, miserably. The campaign is trying to go purely top-down vectors.
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