vc job opportunity: we are preparing to hire an investment manager for our european office.
you do not need prior VC experience nor degrees from the "right schools" but do need deep familiarity with the EU startup ecosystem. we value kinetic energy more than potential energy. oh, and boundless humility.
the good: you can be based anywhere in europe. you make your own schedule. it’s about results not hours.
the bad: you will spend the first three months drinking from a firehose in order to learn the role, all the while working from home.
the ugly: you will need to participate in weekly team meetings which take place mornings Japan time (around midnight CET, ouch!).
the awesome: we're biased here, but believe this role could be the most rewarding and fulfilling of your career, and we would strive to make it so.
interested candidates please feel free to DM me in order to apply.
if the above does not apply to you, please consider paying it forward by retweeting this thread.
You can follow @markbivens.
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