Committing to a restrictive diet puts all the focus on the diet knowing what's best rather than your body, eliminates intuitive eating based on what your body craves and needs, & reduces seratonin production associated with sensory pleasure from satisfying bodily cues (cravings).
Restrictive dieting encourages reducing portion sizes in an attempt to lose weight by eating less. But this forces your body to slow its metabolism to retain necessary fats as a result of feeling inadequately nourished.
A study showed that 95% of restrictive dieters gained back the weight they lost, and sometimes more, as strict diets halt intuitive eating & encourage people to follow strict rules rather than feeding their body what it wants, or eating ancestral appropriate foods.
Humans have a genetic predisposition to eat and thrive off foods from the geological location of our ancestors. Its important in such a blended culture and society to understand where our families come from, and how their ancestors ate and survived.
Generally, diets don't work longterm or sometimes, at all. Though each dietary theory contains some sound nutritional advice to a degree, no one diet will work for everyone and dietary/nutritional needs shift over time for everyone.
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