1. Welcome to today's edition of the White House Daily Shadow briefing. The White House briefs but the answers are almost always untrue. We do something different here, we use the truth. The theme of today's briefing is the Harvard trustees must be banging their heads on tables
2. lets get to questions. Q China is sending more signals that it will crackdown on Hong Kong. What message is the WH sending to China on HK? A. Take Hong Kong, we don't care as long as we get our trade deal. Make the deal even better and we'll give you Taiwan. Follow the money
3. QWe say a lot of images over the weekend over Memorial Day of people gathering in large crowds no social distancing, video in Lake Ozark for example. Does the President have concerns about these gatherings? A. Concerns? Of course not, he sees people spending money. That is all
4. he cares about. Sure, people will die, but that's ok with him because he only cares about the and his economy. He watched the images over and over again, but I don't think it was because of social distancing. Made him a little wistful for his previous life. Q. The President
5. seemed to be criticizing Joe Biden for wearing a mask over the weekend. If that was his intent why would he criticize him for that? A. Because the President can only win if we have a nuclear culture war in this country. And now wearing a mask is a political statement about
6. whether you are with him or against him. Public safety doesn't matter to him. It's all about division and sowing it. One pro-tip here for @PressSec you might want to bone up on the ins and outs of wearing a mask in public and in the basement. Q Isn't the guidance to weak a
7. when you're outside not when you are inside. A. The President thinks the guidelines are a joke. He doesn't follow them and no one else is. So he doesn't care if you wear one or not. He won't. It ruins his makeup that is put on him every morning. Q. Kate Miller tweeted she is
8. back at work today, is the Valet back and has anyone else at the WH tested positive? A. The laws of science say others have contracted the virus here at the WH. But we don't believe in science and we aren't telling you. Q. Would you get back to us on that. A. No
9. The President said today in a tweet that he's made the gov's look very good by getting ventilators and unlimited testing. That's not true. You said it wasn't even necessary. So why is the President saying that. A. Because almost everything he says is untrue and he knows his
10 like those at Fox will never question him. Q. Is Stephen Miller back, did he take time away from the WH. A. Yes he did. He quarantined with children in cages on the off chance he could infect them and send them home. Q Is the President's position that the RNC convention
11. go forward no matter what the cover infection rate is by Labor Day? A. The President really wants to do the convention at Trump properties across the country. This will provide a huge revenue boost to him and...actually that's the only reason. Q The Florida widower sent
12. @jack a letter saying that the President's twitter feed was emotionally traumatic for him and his wife's family. A. The President's message is toughen up buddy. This is the big leagues. he said this morning that maybe that wimp should start a support group with Mark Rich's
13. family. Get over yourself. And thanks @jack for shutting him down. A nice tax break is coming your way. Q Why is the President making the unfounded allegations at this time. This is pretty nuts, the President is accusing someone of possible murder and the family is pleading
14. with him to stop the unfounded conspiracy theories. Why is he doing it. A. That's the best question asked today. This is what the President does. This is who he is. How did he get into politics, by starting the birther theory of Obama. And he got elected by spreading with
15. the help of the Russians conspiracy after conspiracy. That is just who he is. He may know the truth but he certainly doesn't care about the truth. Q He is the President and he accusing someone of possibly murder and this is different. He's not a private citizen. He's the
16. the President. A. Exactly he knows he ca n say whatever he wants and can get away with it. He can't be charged, he can't be investigated and he can't be sued. That's who he is and that's how he got elected. And its how he hopes to get reelected. Q No problem with a POTUS
17. spreading a conspiracy theory about murder? A. Problem? It's our entire campaign strategy. Wait until he starts going after others in the media and democrats. It's going to be a glorious bloodbath. And when it's over, only the cockroaches and Trump will be alive.
18. Q John Ratcliffe was sworn in today. Any plans for Ric Grennel? A. There a still a lot more things he can screw up . stand by. Q. Grennel at the request of Adam Schiff declassified the transcripts of the phone calls between Flynn and Kislyak. Would POTUS encourage
19. Ratcliffe to release them. A. Not a chance. It will ruin the whole Obamagate conspiracy. He plans to get a lot more out of that one. Did you know Obama was born in Kenya? Bet you didn't cover that one. Q. We're about to cross the 100k death milestone. What does the WH by
20 Election Day view as the # of dead Americans so you can say we successfully defeated the deadly pandemic. Is there a number. A.That number is likely to change very often. But the best number is one we made up. 2.2 million. That's the number if we did nothing. If we closed all
21. all hospitals, imprisoned all doctors and nurses and crowded everyone into football stadiums all across America. And we expect everyone will buy anything less than that as success. People are really stupid sometimes. Q. The Florida widower wrote "conspiracy theorists
22. the President continue to spread the vile misinformation on the platform disparaging the memory of my wife." Why won't the President give the widower peace and stop talking about the conspiracy theory involving his wife. A. Because the President doesn't give a shit about
23. anyone or anything than himself. You think it's an accident he's not acknowledged our spoken to families of the 100k we've lost. They are a nuisance to him. A plot to take him down. He's quite sick you know. Q. OANN question. A. Not going to answer this question because
24. she should not be in the room based on pool rooms and is basically a White House staffer, not a real reporter. Q. After lowering the flags this weekend does the President have any other plans to honor the victims playing the role of mourner in chief? A. it is the hardest part
25. of his job. Pretending to care. And he's really bad at it. Q.The Florida family has asked the President in that letter to stop tweeting about this and asked twitter to take down those tweets. Is the President asking for someone in law enforcement to reopen what he calls a
26. "cold case". The President doesn't want this actually invesitgated. This is like Ukraine, he just wants everyone to think something has happened and talk about an investigation. An investigation would ruin everything because they are about facts not conspiracy. That's all
27. for today. Just a historical note...in the past briefings ended when the senior journalist called an end to the by thanking the Press Secretary. Now they end when @PressSec starts getting tough questions. She retreats better than she answers.
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