Y’all pray for my k-oomf cuz she’s done with ppl with big platforms specifically for i-fans giving incorrect explanations on cultural contexts and the korean language 💀💀💀💀
Yeah dkdtv is back at it again lmaooo
The issue is not what the misinformation that was spread SAYS, but the fact that many ppl with these platforms don’t understand the responsibility they have to the international fans in general. This is how misinfo spreads, and It’s an entire issue in itself.
Idk about y’all but I wanna be able to like.... actually understand Yoongi, RM and all the other members lyrics. The lyrics are the most important thing about BTS as artists, they put their hearts and their souls into them.
Translators don’t only have a responsibility to I-fans, they have a responsibility to BTS being the main people translating their own work to 99% of their fandom. So why do some ppl in that position KNOWING they have a big platform not take it more seriously?
We’ve had too many situations of BTS lyrics, interviews etc not being properly translated for I-fans. Idk if that means Bighit should be taking more responsibility in translating their content, giving cultural explanations or what.
but what we have rn isn’t the greatest system considering it’s not regulated by an official source associated with BTS whatsoever and us I-fans trust anything bcuz we expect that the ppl who are interpreting for us understand that responsibility.
Anyways point is... if you’re gonna be giving an explanation of BTS’s lyrics or cultural context to I-fans, be THOROUGH with it. Explain it in a way that there isn’t room for any misinterpretation. We wanna understand them in full. Please don’t half-ass it.
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