I absolutely refuse to acknowledge that racist, dog abuser — so I want to uplift Mr. Christian Cooper and all the black men out there just trying to live their lives.

I guess add bird watching to this list of things we can’t do
This reminds me of an incident I had with my neighbor a month ago. They reached out to my sister to say the thumping from my TV was so loud they were going to call the police bc “they were unsure what the noise was” but they knew it was coming from my apartment
So naturally when I heard that I got so upset. Call the cops bc of a loud TV? In this climate? And also, during a pandemic? I think TF not... so I confronted them in the morning
I KNEW that I went off and yelled that I would been seen as a threat even though threatening to call the cops on ME, while I’m quarantining with my friend, a BLACK MAN, is a bigger threat... so I had to stay calm
I went downstairs and gave them my phone number and said I understood if the TV was loud and they have kids how that can be annoying but just to text and let me know and I’ll turn it down
Then I explained to the that calling the cops of for emergencies— I had to explain to grown ass people to only call the police in an EMERGENCY and that it was dangerous for me and for the officers to respond to false alarms
Right of their heads I promise you—- I leaned more on the pandemic thing but I was more so scared about my friend and myself being subjected an encounter that could led to something terrible.
So PLEASE white people — ALL people— only call the cops for an actually emergency and if you threaten to call the cops bc you don’t like someone, Imma take that as a verbal threat and proceed accordingly
There are so many typos in this thread but hopefully y’all get the message 😩
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