THREAD - Draco Dormiens Nunquam Tittalandus.
First and foremost, this entire thread is my personal assessment according to the concepts of Offensive Realism put forth by JJ Mearsheimer, who in my opinion, is the world's foremost authority on realpolitik and understanding China.
The title of the the thread is taken from the Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry motto which translates to,"Never tickle a sleeping dragon." The choice of the article is very apt as my older sister, who is a Potterhead, asked me to write this thread.
In order to understand how geopolitics works, one must understand how Realism works. And John Mearsheimer is a proponent of something known as "Offensive Realism." I shall attempt to keep this is as simple as possible. To begin with, there are some core assumptions within it.
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