@jmwind @BrandonMChu Let's make the App Store reviews a fair playground in 2020. Lot of app developers work really hard to deserve a review, but some just game the system.

New merchants might fall for apps which are half baked and not even supported.
Here are some non machine learning solutions which can be used to identify fake/incentivised/useless reviews:

- Time between the app install and a review is probably less than an hour (maybe even 30 mins or 15 mins)
- The review contains repetitive words like okay, okay, okay, okay.

Simple word count algorithm should work here
- Majority of reviews don't contain the word "support". String search algorithm (case insensitive) should do the trick.

Let's make the app store a trust worthy place for merchants (now more than a million)!
You can follow @shashankkr9.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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