Ok so since I'm cheesier than a Taco Bell menu item with the words 'nacho' and 'loaded' in it I am thinking Theγ-Hulk:
-is both Bruce & Jen's cousin -assigned at birth gender is never canonically confirmed or discussed, -got their powers via life saving transfusion like Jen.
Also if Theγ-Hulk joins a team it will be the Great Lake Avengers and yes I know you're all sick of my GLA 2017 obsession but this is a comic book hill I will die on.
I think in their intial appearance, Theγ-Hulk's outfit should be a sort of mash-up - the classic torn pants and a torn up shirt/blouse with a color/style that is evocative of one of She-Hulk's many purple & white outfits, but obvs they need their own costume
Maybe like, leggings that fit them normally and when they hulk out there are pre-cut slits that allow the material to stretch without breaking, while also looking v cool and some sort of halter top thing that is normal length but becomes a cute crop when they hulk out.
"Max don't you have a job?" Yes I've been adding to this thread here and there and saving it as a draft don't judge me.
They-Hulk (Twitter wont let me copy paste in the gamma anymore) probably has a crush on Lady Hellbender
They-Hulk is stronger than The Ever Lovin' Blue Eyed thing but lets him win when they arm wrestle because he's one of the few heroes from an older generation that just accepts them and respects their pronouns without being all weird about it
If she-hulk is shulkie then I guess they-hulk would be thulkie and I'm telling you all this so you can appreciate the following:

Thulkie Thicc
The superhero They-Hulk looks up to most is Squirrel Girl
They-Hulk still doesn't trust Hawkeye after that whole 'killing bruce because I thought his eyes were too green' incident during Civil War 2
They-Hulk acknowledges Hydra are Nazis and deals with their agents accordingly: without a shred of mercy.
They-Hulk secretly wonders if their jaws are strong enough to leave a bite mark in Captain America's shield
They-Hulk has never tried to lift mjolnier - they care not if a hammer finds them worthy.
They-Hulk was rejected from the Heroes for Hire for confronting Danny Rand about his appropriation of East Asian cultures during the interview process
I guess this thread is now spouting bullshit about my owiginal chawacter do no steal pwease uwu
Does this count as fan fiction? Fan-micro-fiction?
They-Hulk's appearance will probably vary wildly between masc, femme, and androgynous depending on the artist because there's no set way to exist outside the binary
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