[Thread]1/ So the hashtag "media scum" is trending today. It's over taken 'scum media" as the hashtag of choice. What follows is an analysis based on around 19000 tweets from 7900 accounts. Will discuss key players, targets, and messages. #Dominicummimgs #DominicCummings
2/ The most retweeted people supporting the hashtag appear to be @KTHopkins (no surprises there) and a slew of unusual looking accounts like @SocialM85897394 (who blocked me yesterday) @trishaphillipss (also blocked me). These were all influential on yesterday's hashtag too.
3/ Those mostly being harassed on the "media scum" hashtag are journalists of course, but also MPs including @adamboultonSKY @campbellclaret @EmilyThornberry @kayburley @piersmorgan @bbclaurak @peston
4/ I want to be clear. This very much looks like a targeted harassment campaign as opposed to a public discussion about 'media scum'. Only 39% of the sample are RTs, which is surprisingly. There are a lot of replies and mentions, indicating direct harassment of people on Twitter
5/ I have tried to show this on the graph. The green edges and lines indicate 'replies', you can see the sheer volume of replying to @adamboultonSKY with the hashtag "media scum". There's also a screenshot of tweets at Adam, to see how this looks IRL. Industrial trolling
6/ There's a strange cluster of accounts - bottom right, in blue, who seem to be being replied to en masse and retweeted. Couple of Qanon and WWGW1A accounts in there (pro -Trump, far right/conspiracy accounts) - e.g @jn684 @Eileen49 Same generic type bios...
7/ Biographical analysis reveal similar results to yesterday. It's mostly pro-Brexit, anti-EU and pro-Trump accounts. Again, Trump's name appears more than Boris, and Trump and MAGA together amount to around 340 accounts in the sample. Of "Love" takes the top spot as always 🧐
8/ Some of the most prolific tweeters on the hashtag are listed in the table, and include @berniebernie64 @stan12358 @ewanorandy @coatsey9110 @1hannahbelle @sensaycommon2 . Some such as Sensay were very active yesterday too, some have rather hateful bios > such as stan12358
9/ Again I find it disturbing but not coincidental that there is obviously a campaign with far right elements and some somewhat dubious accounts launching a campaign to smear the media (a favourite Trumpian and now Cummings trope) when they uniting Britons (to some extent)
10/ It's as if the Cummings-sponsored polarisation politics has been challenged by Cummings fall from grace, and risks undoing one of the only reasons the Conservatives got to power, by the divide and rule of Brexit. Journalists have crossed the partisan divide, and must pay
11/ That's all for now folks. Hope you enjoyed, feel free to share or ask questions. #propaganda #dominiccummings
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