At this time, the planetary grid is in the unusual position of supporting both humans with chakras on the 3D timelines, and humans on the ascending path without chakras on the 5D and above timelines.
When aspects of the Soul fragment and sink into the lowest layers of perception, they enter a danger zone. When the Soul is separated from its higher Spirit body it continually sinks into the lowest dimensions, where the personal shadow and collective unconsciousness
start to flow together and merge. When this merge with collective unconscious occurs, dark, chaotic, shadow bodies start to emerge and multiply, possibly becoming fixed and consubstantial with the Soul, engulfing its light. The Soul aspect enters the realm of the
underworlds or phantom matrix, which are the spheres of collective unconsciousness in which the NAA and lunar groups are directing artificial technology to create consciousness traps. Primarily, the consciousness traps are the AI False Timeline Propagation that was
generated from the NAA group’s 9-11-2001 declared war against humanity, called the Armageddon software. This event signified that they intended to take complete control over the future earth timelines, and would attempt to circumvent Ascension by continued dimensional blending
experiments and instigating wars, while rolling out the Transhumanist agenda.
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