What’s the craziest thing that happened at your elementary school?
I have some crazy ass stories man
These 2 guys were playing with the door on each side and this girls finger got stuck in the door.. her finger was hanging on a threaddd🤢 poor girl had to get her finger amputated
This dude my 8th grade year flooded the science lab so bad that it leaked through the ceiling and water got to the office
My 7th grade year this kid in my class threatened to kill a teachers baby on Facebook and the poor girl got scared and quit
This annoying little kid threw a whole ass chair at a teacher but missed
I witnessed this dude in 6th grade rip off his shirt and try to square up to a teacher lmao
these 2 kids got in a huge fight and one of the kids was left with brain damage 😢
Teacher was out of the room once and this kid ran to the middle of the class and tried to do a back flip and landed on his head
Also this one time these girls grabbed period pads and stuck them on the nurses walls, same girls stole all the teachers pens in her desk and we all got in trouble for it
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