Confederate apologist (by definition; see below) Jon Harris ( @worldviewconvos) brings up the issue of integrity, and I think it's worth discussing. In the process, I think we'll see who this guy really is and why he has NO CREDIBILITY on issues of race, theology, or honesty. 1/
2/ Last week, Dr. James Hamilton asked Harris if he was the author of a Master's thesis called, "Sacred Conviction: Biblical Authority and the Road to War in Antebellum America." Harris claimed not to remember. Dr. Hamilton followed up.
3/ Here is what he produced. Now, not only is this Jon Harris presenting a "paper" (in quotes for a reason) with the exact title, but he is presenting it to a Confederate troop and the date is January 3, 2019, not all that long ago.
4/ Of course, he was forced to admit he did write and present the paper; see this video:
5/ I also found the Master's paper on one of Harris' old archived websites and shared it:

And you can see below it is from his site:
6/ But one might wonder, why did some Confederate troop in NC ask Harris to present a paper in 2019 that was, ostensibly, just a final project at Master's Seminary in 2011, and only published on a long defunct site?
7/ Well, folks started noticing quickly that a book by the same title, written by a "Joseph Jay," has been suggested by Harris as a resource more than once, and is even listed on his current website:
8/ Harris also shared this book with another Confederate group on Facebook (second picture just give a flavor of the group):
9/ He shared this book pretty much right after it was published, 2018. I don't think there's any real doubt that the NC Confederates knew anything of his Master's paper but were aware of his book published under a pseudonym.

If you doubt they are the same doc, just read them:
10/ Now how about this "Joseph Jay" persona. Well, Jon and Joseph are clearly the same dude. Check "their" bios on another Confederate friendly site, "Reckonin'":
11/ Also telling is how Jon Harris made a video wherein he complains about a Southern Baptist seminary and how too many black people are speaking in chapel and then the EXACT SAME stories are published as Joseph Jay in Reckonin'.

First, the video:
13/ Why the pseudonym? I actually don't know. Maybe he wanted to obscure his actual views as he went about attacking people of color in the SBC and gained a growing ignorant following and Patereon. But it could be just connection with the racist publishing company, Shotwell:
14/ Some other Shotwell Publishing titles:
15/ And Harris loves these books, hahaha:
16/ But Harris is also featured on the Neo-Confederate Abbeville Institute website under his real name, though his book is reviewed there under his fake name. Same for Reckonin'.
17/ I think the point should be clear by now, but just in case, I'll leave you with some of Jon Harris' greatest hits that I've found around the web.
24/ This whole article is a treat, you must read it. Can also see why Jon Harris calls himself a "Traditional American" and what he means by it:
25/25 Etc., etc., etc., etc. I can do this all day (but don't want to).

In other words, Jon Harris has no credibility at all, let alone integrity.

Now, Jon, run off and tattle to your Dixie Confederate pals, like this. I'm sure you'll get a hearing in your home world.
P.S.: I also wonder if anyone out there heard this similar sounding presentation at Liberty University:
Why not, a couple more:
Wow, this also is helpful:
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