39-Nasrallah: I see no possibility except for them to pack their bags and get on their ships and planes and leave. And the Resistance should allow them to leave - just as they left from Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005.
40-Nasrallah: I assert that from 1982 until today, those who say the Resistance has lost Arab or domestic consensus are wrong. Because there was never consensus over the Resistance.
41-Nasrallah: As for the American presence in the region, it's not an indication of strategic setback for the Resistance. The U.S. deployed its forces directly here because it realized its regional proxies were incapable of accomplishing its goals.
42-Nasrallah: The Israelis admit that Resistance of today is not Resistance of 2000. It's not a rag-tag group of fighters. The Israelis now call us a "terrorist army" - but an army. They talk about increasing their qualitative military edge over Hezbollah, meaning it has shrunk.
43-Nasrallah: Within Israel's Home Front, the Palestinian resistance has also improved its capabilities - from ambushes and attacks here and there to rockets that can reach all parts of Israel.
44-Nasrallah: I'm not saying the strategic balance is all in our favor, but there's a strategic balance that forces both sides to calculate their moves. Israel can initiate attacks - but it must calculate its moves.
45-Nasrallah: Israel's "war between the wars" is against Lebanon, Syria, and the Palestinians, not just Hezbollah.
46-Nasrallah: Regarding Lebanon, Israel's "war between the wars" was a total failure, because they tried, and saw our response. When they bombed Janta on the Syrian-Lebanese border, they were testing the waters. We responded in the Shebaa Farms at the time.
47-Nasrallah: When they attacked us in Dahiyeh, I promised that we would respond outside of Shebaa because their calculus was that only Shebaa was in danger, and we wanted to note that the entire northern Israeli border was insecure.
48-Nasrallah: Now Israel doesn't bomb in Lebanon. They used to do this with impunity in the past, but now only reconnaissance flights because we haven't found a solution to it.
49-Nasrallah: But they don't bomb Lebanon, because they know Hezbollah will respond.
50-Nasrallah: When they carried out their operation in Dahiyeh, they were trying to carry out an attack without leaving fingerprints, because of this calculus, these rules of the game.
51-Nasrallah: When they discovered the tunnels in the northern border and moved to destroy them, they sent messages through Egypt, Cyprus, and @UNIFIL_ that all they were trying to do was destroy tunnels and had no extra goals. This shows the deterrence established since 2000
52-Nasrallah: Regarding the Syrian front, in the beginning they didn't target us, the SAA, or the Iranians - who are there as advisers - or other Resistance factions. They let matters run their course and backed the opposition.
53-Nasrallah: Now, I don't want people to think I'm "Zionising" the entire Syrian opposition. Some weren't, but there were factions colluding with the Israelis. And Israel was betting that the opposition would remove the Assad regime.
54-Nasrallah: When did they start moving towards this "war between the wars" in Syria? This is after the failure of the opposition forces to remove the Syrian regime - so the Israelis had to intervene directly. So the "war between the wars" is an indication of failure.
55-Nasrallah: Israeli analysts are saying this, not me - that they resorted to this "War between the wars" after the opposition failed to accomplish Israel's goals.
56-Nasrallah: Then Israel started its bombings. But even there, it was limited and Israel had rules. Look at the Jeep they bombed on the Syrian-Lebanese border recently - and I won't say if the Resistance responded or not.
57-Nasrallah: The Israelis could have killed the guys in the Jeep, but they refrained. They fired a warning missile, and only destroyed the car. Because they're afraid that if they killed them, there would be a response.
58-Nasrallah: Wherever they're striking in Syria, they seem to be holding back from killing fighters, because they're worried about our response, lest they cross a line that we or Assad regime can't accept. So they don't have a total upper hand in the "war in between the wars"
59-Nasrallah: So why aren't we retaliating against Israel's strikes in Syria? Why don't we create the same equation in Syria as in Lebanon? Because we're not done with Syria and finishing off the armed groups, and that's the priority.
60-Nasrallah: It's not in Syria's interest to be gradually dragged into war with Israel while still contending with these armed groups, which is an existential war. So we are employing what is called strategic patience.
61-Nasrallah: But by Israel's own admission, they've still failed to halt the transfer of weapons to Hezbollah.
62-Nasrallah: But here I want to warn the Israelis - even strategic patience has its limits. And the Israelis are aware of this, that they could commit some stupidity that could lead to a regional war, and the Israelis have no interest in this.
63-Nasrallah: Israel has been behaving differently since August/September 2019, because they understand that our retaliation in Avivim was in response to Dahiyeh attack/killing of two fighters in Syria, and I think this deterrent calculus is still holding.
64-Nasrallah: Notice also at the time that the Israelis were expanding the ambit of their attacks, and they've also stopped this - and I think the brethren [in other Resistance factions?] will address this at some point in the future.
65-Nasrallah evades question about precision-guided missiles. Asked if Hezbollah has a plan to transform its entire arsenal of "150,000 rockets" into PGMs, he says, "this should be the Resistance's goal."
66-Nasrallah: The Israelis, with American backing, want to change @UNIFIL_'s orders, as part of the confrontation w/Hezbollah. Since 2006, UNIFIL has been working in coordination w/LAF. Israelis/US want to give them free rein to enter pvt properties, etc.
67-Nasrallah: Lebanon rejects this, so the US keeps threatening to disband UNIFIL. This is an Israeli demand. What right does UNIFIL have to enter pvt properties?
68-Nasrallah: Do they want to reduce UNIFIL numbers? Go ahead. Increase? Go ahead. We don't care what they do. If they want them to stay, they're welcome. We also have no problem if they leave.
69-Nasrallah: The point is that Lebanon shouldn't let the US use this as a pressure point against it.
70-Nasrallah: We sense this is a point of Israeli interests. Now, don't get me wrong, we have no problem if they stay. But we consider expanding their mandate as infringing on Lebanese sovereignty
71-Nasrallah: How come UNIFIL is only in Lebanon? Why don't they put a UNIFIL with the same mandate in Israel as well? Because the Israelis consider this as infringing upon their sovereignty. The time has passed where Lebanon's sovereignty is no longer respected.
72-Nasrallah: We don't want to control Lebanon - through civil war or otherwise. If the Lebanese came to us and said, "we want to give you 5 yrs to run the country," I'd say, "no thank you." Because we think it won't work with Lebanon's sectarian makeup.
73-Nasrallah: So any instruments of internal change in Lebanon must respond to the fears and feelings of other sects in Lebanon
74-Nasrallah: We are realistic. One of the characteristics of the Resistance is that, while our hearts were in heaven, our eyes were on earth. When we were confronting the Israelis, we never denied their military power. We understand our limits.
75-Nasrallah: I was misquoted recently as saying that October 17 revolution serves Israeli interests.
76-Nasrallah: But Israelis are talking about how to destroy Hezbollah. @barak_ehud even said in @MaarivOnline that Hezbollah couldn't be destroyed because it is an "authentic resistance movement supported by citizenry."
77-Nasrallah: So they are trying to push Hezbollah into an internal conflict - or try to incite Hezbollah's base against it, and there are people within Lebanon going along with this incitement.
78-Nasrallah: Hezbollah's support base is primarily Shia, but not exclusively. So they're trying to use hunger, and economic conditions to turn them against us
79-Nasrallah: So any step Hezbollah takes, we calculate whether we're walking into the trap that our foes are setting for us.
80-Nasrallah: So let's talk about combatting corruption, which people are calling on us to do. Should we deploy our forces to arrest and detain corrupt people. Is this the right thing to do?
81-Nasrallah: With all due respect to the protesters, who says the protests represent the Lebanese people? So do elections - and the same political class keeps getting elected. And to say all Lebanese political class is corrupt is unfair.
82-Nasrallah: If we claim the entire country is corrupt, we can't exist this way. We need an independent judiciary to determine who is corrupt or not. We also have elections, where people can express their will.
83-Nasrallah: During time of Arab Spring, I called for a conference for improving Taif Accords. People misconstrued me. Now I no longer speak of this. Of course the Lebanese system needs improvement - but not tearing it down to foundations and starting anew
84-Nasrallah: We have a constitution, laws, etc. Let's start from there.
85-Nasrallah: Any type of change that is being talked about, you need widespread cooperation agreement. This is lacking.
86-Nasrallah: If the "peoples of Lebanon" - as some call us Lebanese - don't have a consensus on have to move forward, then we can't move forward. We need to change things gradually.
87-Nasrallah: In October 2019, I said there were people who wanted to bring down Aoun's rule. What does that have to do with combatting corruption? There are people in FPM who are combatting corruption. So, the people who went to the street who have different slogans.
88-Nasrallah: From the outset, I said there was a difference between those in the street and those chanting slogans allegedly on their behalf.
89-Nasrallah: The problem wasn't with those making demands for reform. The problem was with those who took advantage of the protests to settle political scores - bring down Aoun, disarm Hezbollah, etc.
90-Nasrallah: From the outset, I said we could build upon protester demands.
91-Nasrallah: Matters can't change overnight. The existence of the protest movement has created a positive pressure for gradual change. But those who are hoping for some revolutionary change are dreaming. Matters must progress gradually.
92-Nasrallah: Corruption can't be defeated in a year or two. Defeating Israel took years and patience, it didn't happen overnight. We said from the outset that combatting corruption was more difficult than defeating Israel.
93-Nasrallah: There are those pressing us to bite off more than we can chew, but this isn't realistic.
94-Nasrallah: One of the goals of the assassination of Rafic Hariri - and we're still convinced of who killed him, and we've said this in the past [i.e. Israel] was to cause a Sunni-Shia conflict in Lebanon.
95-Nasrallah: So we entered into alliances that we didn't believe in to avoid this Sunni-Shia conflict.
96-Nasrallah: I was told by a specific leader in Lebanon - whose name I won't mention - that he heard from his European and American contacts that if they couldn't disarm Hezbollah politically, they would do it through war. and then 2006 Israeli war happened.
97-Nasrallah: We must disconnect the matter of combatting corruption from economic recovery. The latter is an emergency that can't wait for years.
98-Nasrallah: We're not supporting IMF aid. We're just not opposing it. There are those in the country who say there's no alternative to saving Lebanon's economy - so we're saying, go try it. We're trying to be realistic, and to avoid anyone saying Hezbollah is starving Lebanon.
99-Nasrallah: But we will have to discuss and negotiate IMF conditions. We're opening the door for Lebanese to discuss IMF conditions, whether they're humiliating or not
100-Nasrallah: We shouldn't approach the IMF from a position of weakness, that we have no alternative. Because it gives the IMF the upper hand in negotiations - if they impose realistic conditions on us, great. If not, we'll go to alternatives.
101-Nasrallah: We didn't want to offer an economic reform plan, because the Americans and others would say this is a Hezbollah plan and it would be immediately rejected. We gave the gov't space to draft its own plan, and we'd agree w/what works for us, and object to what doesn't
102-Nasrallah: We didn't want to condemn this economic recovery plan to failure before it even took off
103-Nasrallah: I've recommended some steps for economic recovery. Iraq, now, can absorb all Lebanese agricultural exports. But we need a road to Iraq - so I said we need to normalize relations with the Syrian government.
104-Nasrallah: However, the Americans won't allow this. They'll sanction Lebanon if they normalize relations with Syria.
105-Nasrallah: We're waiting for the results of governmental negotiations with the IMF. But I'm offering alternatives, like Iraq and Syria.
106-Nasrallah: I also mentioned trade with China - now the Americans are very sensitive about trading with China. Even when Pompeo came to Occupied Palestine, he warned Netanyahu about trade with China.
107-Nasrallah: But I want to stress to the Lebanese that they need to stop caring about American limits - because there's a quick solution to our economic problems, and that's turning eastward [to Syria, Iraq, and China].
108-Nasrallah: China can come solve our electricity problems, cheaper than German or French companies. But this requires governmental bravery. If this were a Hezbollah gov't, we would have gone to China immediately, so this is proof that current gov't isn't Hezbollah gov't.
109-Nasrallah: That's not to say it's not a sovereign gov't, it's just not a Hezbollah gov't.
110-Nasrallah: When dealing in conflicts between our allies, we try to suppress these problems. We also try to suppress our direct problems with our allies. The problem really arises due to social media.
111-Nasrallah: Organized parties can act responsibly. But someone who claims he is Hezbollah supporter can say something on social media, of his own accord and w/no party backing, and cause problems. Then supporters of other parties will respond, and give impression of conflict.
112-Nasrallah: Political parties can't shut down social media use, so we have to live with it and take what's said by our respective supporters on social media with a grain of salt.
113-Nasrallah: Our relationship w/FPM has been going on since 2006. We think it's in the interest of the country, as much as some would like it to fall apart.
114-Nasrallah: We have not reconsidered our relationship w/FPM due to changes since FPM - despite any tensions that might occur between some parliamentary representatives. It is based on certain strategic principles. This is how we see the relationship - FPM can differ
115-Nasrallah: We've had tensions w/AMAL that lasted for several days in the past, but it didn't alter the basis of the alliances between us.
116-Nasrallah: Moving on to regional matters, people understood our response to Qassem Soleimani's killing - and plan to expel American from the region in - as a purely military matter. This is incorrect.
117-Nasrallah: Americans are on their way out from the region. There is a popular Iraqi sentiment that Americans must leave. Of course, Americans want to stay - so they revived ISIS to prove their necessity.
118-Nasrallah: They're leaving Afghanistan. In Syria, the Americans are an occupation force, and there is a popular sentiment in Syria to remove them from there. Khamenei even spoke about this when he spoke about Iraq and Syria.
119-Nasrallah: Americans are even talking about withdrawing from Sinai, and Israelis objected to this because it is strategic protection for Israel.
120-Nasrallah: Now Americans are talking about a new "Cold War" with China - so they're changing their priorities and Middle East is less important to them.
121-Nasrallah: An American-Iranian war in the region is highly unlikely
122-Nasrallah: We warn the Israelis against launching the "great war" in the region - which is opening all fronts at once. In other words, the Israelis would cause one Resistance Axis front to go to war, which would lead other Resistance fronts to go to war.
123-Nasrallah: I'm not saying this is imminent - but for example, if Israel opens a front with the Resistance in Lebanon, other Resistance fronts will go to war as well and this will lead to the demise of Israel
124-Nasrallah: We are always preparing for this possibility of this "Great War" - even if it's not imminent, the region is heading towards that. There's also another scenario where we won't need to go to war, and the Israelis will pack their bags and return to countries of origin
125-Nasrallah: I want to end by saying, read what the Israelis themselves are saying about our strategic accomplishments. We must build upon this - what happened in 2000 and 20006.
126-Nasrallah: Even to Arabs who disagree with us on Resistance, I want them to just take into consideration our sacrifices. They must respect these sacrifices.
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