"Adults age 65 and over make up more than 76% of the deaths from COVID-19 in California – black and Latinx older adults are particularly at risk. Yet the governor’s budget proposal makes sweeping cuts to the services and supports that keep these groups healthy, safe..."
For those who remember what happened during the last recession, the pattern is clear – gut services for older adults first, restore them last and gut them again whenever state finances look bad.
"Together, these cuts threaten the health not only of California’s older adults, but of everyone in our communities. Our parents, grandparents and neighbors will lose the services and supports that allow them to live safely in their communities."
"Older Californians are not expendable. They are vital members of our families and communities who built a state strong enough to weather this storm. The governor and the Legislature need to come up with a final budget that respects and protects them."
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