Going through my pokemon collection today and I want to give @NicoleEeveeD a shoutout. Pokemon collecting has been something I've loved and been passionate about for over a decade now. Unfortunately, I've had people in my life that weren't supportive of my collection
I've been told to grow up and belittled as a parent for still having my hobbies after becoming a mother. Evie appeared on my instagram sometime in 2014 and finding someone who was as passionate as I was (honestly, maybe more), was something I really needed at the time.
Her passionate personality has been an inspiration for me to keep doing what I do and for all the times I fell into depression and couldn't enjoy the things I once loved, having someone around to give me that motivation and reminder of how much collecting meant to me is something
I'll always be thankful for. It's been easy because we love the same pokemon and we're very alike in many ways, and I wanna give credit where it's due and thank Evie for every time she unknowingly guided me when I was low. I'm so proud of her and happy to call her a friend after
all these years and I can't wait to continue supporting this kind and wholesome human being I'm lucky to know. 🌸🦊🐝
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