a thread bc I’m but I should be studying 🤪
1. Which tribe of men doesn’t cheat?
2. Which tribe of women doesn’t cheat?
3. Who cheats the most?
4. How many times have you cheated?
5. How many times has your current partner cheated on you?
6. How many times did your most recent ex cheat on you?
7. Would you tell your partner if you cheated on them?
8. Should people be given second chances when it comes to cheating in relationships?
9. Have you ever taken your partner back after finding out that they cheated? How did that turn out for you 🤡
10. Are you the type to get revenge on your partner for them cheating on you?
11. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to “get back” at your partner for cheating on you?
12. how well do you hide the fact that you’re cheating?🤪
13. if you ever been cheated on, did you deal with it adequately, or it’s not that deep?
14. share your biggest moment of clownery in a relationship
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