Things I’d like to see more of in the horror genre: literary analysis of horror works written by folks from other countries; horror novels by women adapted for Netflix or Amazon Prime; histories of horror classics; discussions of horror with non-European origins;
(Continued) how-tos on writer estate planning, managing taxes, and developing realistic budgets; shared databases of subsidiary rights markets; contracts broken down into explanations of good and bad clauses; practical advice for breaking through marginalization barriers;
(Continued) solidarity in acceptable publishing business practices, equal pay, fair terms; Best ofs where there is no debate about whether the contents are both diverse AND the best of; the world-wide commercial success of the genre, which will lead to more opportunities for all.
Can we work on these things? I don’t want them to be ideals anymore. I want to develop practical methods for making them happen. And I need the smarts of all you folks out there to figure out how and get them to work.
You can follow @marysangiovanni.
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