It shouldn’t be on the shoulders of the oppressed to yell till their throats hurt that their lives matter. It’s on us y’all. Saying “black lives matter” is one thing but actually being a megaphone for the marginalized and speaking up till our lungs hurt too is thee only way
I’m so tired of seeing “black lives matter” whenever some shit happens. That’s the equivalent of saying “thoughts and prayers” whenever gun violence happens. It doesn’t work. It’s a bandaid on a bullet hole. We gotta use our voices and speak up on shit when it’s uncomfortable
Check your friends when they make racist comments. Check your relatives. Check people in your workplace. Check people online or in your daily lives outside of the internet when you see things. We can’t keep being all talk with no action. Gotta get comfortable with uncomfortable
Marginalized people can sit there all day and try to reason with and plead that their lives matter but it’s obviously not being listened to. It’s on US. Use your voice and don’t sit back when you see injustice. We gotta quit doing the bare minimum.
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