I'm officially looking for my next job!

- SF/remote/let's talk
- SRE or <platform|infrastructure|security|dist sys> engineer
- Wearer of many hats đŸŽ©đŸ‘’â›‘
- Excited about making software more boring 🙃
- Eager advocate for the humans on the other end of the machines
My top areas of interest are reliability, observability, and security - and especially the interplay between them!

I'll happily talk your ear off about topics such as:
* Making HSMs HA
* Testing techniques
* The relative merits of different CI/CD tools
I've had the good fortune to work in more prod environments than I can remember - and to learn all sorts of fun lessons from each, which I'm excited to bring aboard ✹

While I have my preferred languages and tools, my real faves are those that make most sense for the job at hand
I *highly* value clear, tight feedback loops for both my teams and the software we work with. I hope whomever I have the pleasure of working with next does, too!
I love finding patterns and using them to address things holistically.

I spoke a bit more about leveraging patterns last year at RustConf:
You can follow @1z0b31.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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