This Joe Rogan/Spotify deal makes me think it won’t be long before artists start charging to be on podcasts.
My man @alshipley’s tweets from yesterday comparing Spotify to MTV really got me thinking that the tipping point is near.
When artists realize that all their content is being leveraged against them, they’re gonna start asking to be paid honorariums for guesting on these podcasts just like public speakers.
It meant nothing to work the podcast circuit as free promotion when you were shucking for an upcoming tour or a new album. But now in the age of the Rona, there’s no more upselling.
Spotify makes its name and builds its brand off music, which allows them to buy and license content from other creators. Meanwhile, the musicians who built the platform get paid micropennies.
Then, they pay these podcasters millions of dollars in hopes that musicians will go BACK on their platform to give them NEW content to promote the same albums that they ain’t payin us shit for. You gotta love it! 😂
Quarantine has forced many artists to self-tape and become one man production entities for these podcasts and IG live’s. If you’re already assuming the labor, why not own the content or at the very least be compensated for it?
It’s something to consider.
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