I was actually born in Ulyanovsk, so here are some facts about Lenin's hometown.
When Lenin was born in April 22, 1870, the name of the city was "Simbirsk" (The city of the 7 winds).
In 1924 it was renamed to Ulyanovsk in honor of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.

In April 1970, the Ukyanovsk's Memorial Museum of Lenin was inaugurated.
The Memorial Museum of Lenin was built in a modernist style and it includes all sorts of information about Lenin's life and the city's history, as well as some personal objects, books and imagery of his.

It's built around 3 of the houses where Lenin's family used to reside.
Ulyanovsk is home to many famous Soviet brands and institutes, including the Ulyanovsk Car-building Factory (UAZ), the Ulyanovsk Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors and the Ulyanovsk School of Higher Flight Training.
The UAZ company used to export its SUVs to more than 70 different countries, both within and outside the USSR. The newer models are still very popular in central Asia, Mongolia and Vietnam for their durability and simple mechanisms that are easy to repair.
Former Simbirsk is not only the hometown of Vladimir Ulyanov, but also of the romantic poet Nikolay Yazykov, the poet Dmitriy Minayev and the famous writer Ivan Goncharov. Their names are immortalised in the Ulyanovsk Museum of Art and in the city's main street names.
Ukyanovsk is located by both, the widest and the narrowest parts of the Volga River. As a consequence, it's one of the Volga's most important portal cities and nowadays it has the longest bridge that crosses this river, whose length is of 5,8 kilometres.
During the Soviet period, it was the second communist cultural- bureaucratic centre of the RSFSR after Moscow. Hundreds of representatives of the Communist movement from all over the world visited Ulyanovsk each year to attend conferences and to learn about Lenin's home city.
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