“I will not wear a mask, but I *will* dress up like I was in the military, (even though I never was, but desperately want you to think I was because I want you to respect me and since I know military members deserve respect, I want in on that.)
It’s not like I don’t *want* to have the upper hand on my adversary... I do. Being a white man in America, I’ve enjoyed having “a leg up” on everyone else my entire life.
I *do* want to have that upper hand. I *do* want to feel safe.
That’s why I love my guns and my jacked up truck and my steroids and why I wear all of that military protective gear I ordered online; because I want to remain more powerful (which, based on having been raised male in America, to my sensibilities, means safer) than everyone else.
It’s just that wearing a little white mask makes me feel... vulnerable and if I had really put my finger on why the thought of wearing a mask bothers me so much, it’s that it makes me feel gay.
I don’t want anyone to see me as vulnerable because that might make them think I’m gay.
I don’t want anyone to think that about me.
It’s actually one of my biggest fears in life. So, just give me my AR-15 and my flack vest and my camos and my freedom and my liberty and I’ll be just fine.”

— American Male Who Refuses to Wear A Mask (Toxic masculinity WILL be the death of us all)

The Literal End.
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