So here’s a thing, when I was first elected it took me a lot of effort to decide what to wear, how to present myself. Was it too tight, too colourful, show cleavage, too formal, not formal enough. Traditional professional wear isn’t for women, let alone a curvy 5’2 human. 1/
As a woman who likes very feminine style of dress and who is often read as younger than I am, it took some energy and courage (yes courage) to embrace my current flowery, pink lipsticky, flowy and pocketed dress style. 2/
I have chosen to embrace this style because
1) I like it. It’s me.
2) I believe it subverts traditional expectations of leadership. (And I try to do this in more ways than how I dress)

But I get lots of comments. Some positive. Some derisive.
And I’m sure there’s plenty of people who question my intelligence, my rigour, my knowledge because of how I present. They may they do it or it may be unconscious.
In other words, I think it costs me something.
And now, after two months of wandering around in yoga pants with my messy uncut hair like a lions mane, I have an on camera (appropriate distanced) thing today. And I feel like I’m back to day 1 of deciding if I’m too much.
I share this because I think it’s something many people who haven’t seen themselves in public positions face. Something femmes, disabled people, racialized folks, youth have to deal with. And we don’t talk about it openly.
I have blazers but truth be told they don’t really fit me properly. They’re not comfortable. And I don’t want to be one more in a sea of navy blue. I’ve chosen my presentation, for better or worse. I choose to challenge and my tools are flowered hair accessories.
Are you an underrepresented person (whatever this means) and struggle with this? I’m happy to chat with you about this anytime. It feels trivial but it isn’t. It’s a real thing. It’s important.
Final note, “professional” clothes can be hella expensive. I have had the privilege to be able to buy myself some pretty dresses that I feel good in. Class and socioeconomic status are part of this too.
And for reference, here’s what I decided on for today. There’s a flower hidden in my hair.
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