I wish I'd know about Supercar back in 1998! They had the perfect, unpretentious, shoe-gazey, raw, 4-person-rock-band (and nothing more!) sound that my young heart craved. Happy to be able to listen to them now all these years later tho!
They were a solid live band too! It's funny how the sound of just 4 people, 2 guitars, 1 bass and drums can feel so novel decades into the digital age. Such a lovely, warm, human quality to it! Such great hooks too! #スーパーカー
The 1st time I heard Supercar was this song, "Lucky." Couldn't have been more than 2 years ago. I'd never heard it before. Didn't grow up with this band, but it immediately filled me with so much nostalgia! It's such a perfect distillation of the 90s!
This is absolutely NOT a thread about "sigh music these days..." I've found so many great new Gen-Z bands thru the internet. Music's as good as ever right now! And it's nice to be able to catch up on all the older stuff I missed the first time around too!
Aw man, if those last Supercar songs I posted are emblematic of the 90s, then this song captures the vibe of the year 2000 perfectly. Slightly more digital, but tastefully, minimalistically so. Focus on dissonance and fuzz, but still some good melody too!
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