I see @RadioFreeTom taking a bit of criticism for his article pointing out Trump's lack of manliness, to include personal attacks at Tom as an "academic" (and therefore unqualified to comment, apparently). I happen to agree with Tom on this subject, and... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/612031/
..I'm no "academic" (although I do have a couple of degrees with a 4.0 GPA) but I do respect intellect more than strength. I say this as a man who has led men (and women, once) in combat and killed armed men and done all sorts of manly-man stuff, which in my society seems to...
..correlate nearly exclusively to violence, which I believe is messed-up personally but it's what we praise here in the US of A, so stay in school and go get some kills, I guess. Shoot enough people and maybe they'll make a movie about you or at least pay you to go on Fox and...
..talk about how fucking awesome it is to shoot desperate people in America's oil wars, or call fire out of the sky like some god of old and kill some raggedy-ass motherfucker in an alley hiding behind rubble which is rubble because you bombed his 'hood a couple years back...
..but I digress. We were talking about masculinity and just talking about it made me want to take my shirt off and go bench-press something. I don't even know how to address the toxic shit-show that is the modern-day concept of masculinity other than maybe pointing out that...
..if I wanted to hang out with a bunch of 'roided-out dick-swingers I could just kick it with B Squadron or either of the assault troops I've worked with, and I hate that my society has seized on this persona as some form of idealized concept of "real man" and now we have...
..boy-men playing dress-up with AR-15s and ballistic nylon, pristine ballistic nylon at that, so insecure about their own manhood that they're compelled to wear a costume in public. Incels publicly flagellating gun-dicks like chimps in a monkey house. Children in men's bodies...
..dressed like some merch company convinced them that operators dress but looking about as convincing as a Lolex wristwatch. "Academic", ffs. Mad respect to the academics and the subject matter experts out there, especially the women who had to work even harder and for less...
..recognition in most cases. "Academic". Be wary of anyone selling you the concept that education is bad, because that's not all they're selling you. Sorry if I ranted, it's only because I'm so jacked with testosterone and haven't hunted-gathered yet today.
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