A thread about the time my parents had to drive an hour and a half to save me from my friends~
So my bff and I planned a trip to the mall with 2 of our other friends, I honestly didn't want to go, because I had a bad feeling about it, but I ignored my instincts and made myself go.
So the whole car ride I felt distant, but I tried my hardest to engage in their conversations, and joke around. So by the time we got to the mall I was already in a not-so good mood, and all I could think about was my two favorite stores. Hot Topic and the kpop shop.
Here's a quick backstory, my bff and I are "birthday buddies", her birthday is the day before mine but I'm a year older. So for years my parents would take my friends and I to the mall, and I always shared the birthday mall trip with her.
So back to the infamous mall trip. The forst store we went to was Hot Topic because not only did I like it, but one of our other friends did too. So the two of us looked around, while my bff and other friend followed us.
She started throwing a fit and ranting about how much she hated Earthbound, and when I mentioned her loving it, she started talking REALLY LOUD so everyone could hear about how she only liked it because she hated Hot Topic, and I always went to it on my birthday trip
The whole time we were in Hot Topic my bff kept making sinde comments, so I suggested we go to Earthbound next because she always talked about how much she liked the store.
My favorite store has always been Hot Topic, I never once forced her to go in, but the other friends I invited were fans of the store as well so of course they wanted to go in too. So after a couple of years she started liking the Earthbound store so we always went to it.
She said she only liked it because Hot Topic was too dark and she needed something bright to go to. Keep in mind, she never had to go to Hot Topic, she never had to go to the mall with me period.
I was minding my own business, looking around while my three friends followed. My bff would giggle loudly while looking at the employees and customers, and even made rude comments about them and kept making fun of all of the posters.
The two employees were teenagers, and they were wearing headbands with their bias' face on them. Which of course is a normal thing, and they were super cute, but my anti bff and two innocent friends didn't understand.
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