(1 of 6) THE EXECRABLE SUSAN RICE EXPOSED: When Rice ended her bid to replace Hillary, it was a bitter and shocking defeat for Barack Obama who responded with an angry tantrum, accusing Republican senators of efforts to "besmirch her reputation".
(2 of 6) "If nominated, I am now convinced that the confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive and costly," Rice wrote in an open letter to Obama. "I respectfully request that you no longer consider my candidacy at this time."
(3 of 6) While Obama publicly directed his anger at Senate Republicans, there was little enthusiasm for defending Rice even among Senate Democrats.
(4 of 6) Beyond Benghazi, Rice’s years in the foreign policy establishment had left behind scandal, dishonesty, and even genocide in her political wake. Rice’s involvement in genocide had been linked to the same quality that had entangled her in Benghazi.
(5 of 6) "If we use the word genocide and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November election?" Samantha Power, who would later become Obama's UN Ambassador, quoted Rice as saying during the Rwandan Genocide.
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