ANALYSIS: Dominic Calvert-Lewin (23) - 2019/20 player review.

HISTORY: Before the 2019/20 campaign, DCL had previously scored no more than 6 in a Premier League season, which was his tally during 2018/19.

Marco Silva placed his trust in him to be Everton’ s lead man, despite not showing too many signs that he was ready for that role.
Heading into the 2019/20 season Everton spent money on Juventus youngster Moise Kean, who was brought in a long term option rather than a short term solution.

The pressure was on Calvert-Lewin.
STATS: Looking at his basic stats we can tell straight away that compared to his previous seasons he’s had a very good campaign so far.



27 Appearances
13 Goals


4 Games
2 Goals

15 Goals in all competitions.
13 Premier League goals is a very respectable number for a player aged 23. In addition, Everton struggled to gain any real form until December which hindered the teams performance.

The striker scored 8 Premier League goals since the appointment of Ancelotti.
But how effective has DCL been in-front of goal this season in comparison to other Premier League strikers?

The chart below shows he’s outperformed his expected goal’s tally, showing he’s been clinical this season.
Here’s a highlight compilation we made earlier this year, showcasing his goals.
TOUCHES: We now take a look at DCL’s touch positioning which gives us an indication on how often he is seeing the ball in attacking areas.

He isn’t restricted with touches in the box, however he isn’t just used as a ‘poacher’ and is occasionally used in the build up play.
CREATIVITY: Is DCL used as a creative striker? Due to Everton tending to play the lone striker, and with the attacking ability of Richarlison, DCL is one of the Premier League’s lesser creative strikers, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
It’s just the way he’s deployed in Ancelotti’s system.

Referring back to the highlights video, notice how many goals come in central areas near the goal. His main job is to be the man in the middle when the ball comes into the box.
CONCLUSION: Calvert-Lewin has shown a big improvement this season, especially since the appointment of Ancelloti which coincided with a lifting of the team’s performance.
I think at times he does need to be a bit stronger with the ball at his feet, which would help ease the pressure on the defence when under pressure. But all in all, a steady improvement from the 23-year-old this season.
End of Thread.

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