OK, the Nebulas are coming up this weekend, which means it's time to talk AUTOGRAPHED BOOKPLATES again.

Details in thread, tl;dr: I'm giving away autographed IMAGINARY CORPSE bookplates to Nebula attendees (and non-attendees the following week if supplies last).

As you may know from my tweets, I am sorely missing the Mass Autograph Signing at the Nebulas Conference; this would have been my first, and it was second only to seeing my friends' names up on the screen at the awards banquet for things I was stoked about.

I can't replicate the Mass Autograph Signing online, but I can be ready to hand out autographs this weekend; they'll just have to come through the mail. Here's the deal:
If you catch me on any of the Nebs' online spaces and ask for a signed plate, I'll sign one!

Depending on your preference, I can sign one right in front of you on video, for that "author signing your book" feel, or sign one later. Either way, though, I'll need an address you don't mind getting mail at to send the bookplate to (the one downside).

As with my last online autograph session, I will mail everything out after the event is over -- and if I start showing any symptoms of any illness, I'll wait 2 weeks before I send them just to be safe.

If you aren't making the Nebulas, no worries at all; next week, after I have any Nebs bookplates sent out, I'll do a "show me the book and I'll send you the plate" autograph thread for Twitter in general. But I wanted to do something to get back one thing COVID took.
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