All Indian languages should be and are National languages with equal weight. Just as Canada does with it's 2 languages. The lingua franca by virtue of being a historical given, 'n for reasons of objectivity, contemporariness and convenience, should be English. #EndHindiImposition
The objectivity bit: Every statement of ours (non-native English speakers) has a tbought behind it that has gone through the rigor of translation from our native language, that by itself has all it's subjective content already censored, that'd be a blessing... #EndHindiImposition
...for all practical and legal engagements and transactions, wouldn't it? Wouldn't make great literary material, but you see where i'm going with this.. #EndHindiImposition
This seems to be getting more and more like gathering of Hindi haters..well i hate the articially created sterile Sanskritized officialese this where this thread is heading? I was looking to a solution.. #EndHindiImposition
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