If you studied Chemistry or Biochemistry at bachelors level and graduated with minimum of 2'1 and interested in studying at Masters or PhD level in the United States. Kindly comment on this post. Please share.
It is very possible to study in the US in different courses free and when I say free I mean totally free for a variety of courses. Especially if you are in a STEM field.
The purpose of me sharing these is not for any financial gains as I don't need anyone's money but to help people get better education and improve STEM graduates in Nigeria
There are over three thousand schools in the United States which means alot of opportunities to secure a school that might probably fund your graduate studies.
There are some proficiency examinations such as TOEFL or GRE that are usually required in some schools but due to the pandemic, some schools are scrapping that requirement for the upcoming admissions
It will be extremely difficult to reply everyone on DM but I will try and put the major requirements here that is standard for most programs and schools
Schools in the US have different tiers and rankings. There are tier one or R1 schools and tier two or R2 schools. It is important to check school rankings first to know the admissions requirements of the chemistry or Biochemistry department of the schools you are interested in
It is important to note that the admissions criteria of the schools usually reduce as the rank reduces. So when choosing schools. It is important that you know your profile and select schools based on your profiles
By profile. I mean your undergraduate CGPA, MS or master's CGPA(if applicable), your test scores and publications if you have any.
While it is important to have dreams of going to a top ranked institution or the ivy leagues. The reality is that the admissions criteria and the volume of applications received in those schools put many at a disadvantage.
That is why it is important to spread applications and put yourself in a strong position to be admitted. We usually classify schools as "ambitious" , "moderate" and "safe" schools
Ambitious schools are usually the ivies top ranked and popular institutions that many of us know and apply to. Moderate schools are usually those ranked a bit lower while safe schools are those that are lowly ranked but still rank better than our best institutions at home.
The admissions process is described as "holistic" which means that you getting admitted to a program is determined by many conditions and not just your grades . This is a major reason why many apply to schools with stellar grades and still get rejected.
Even though I stated that some schools are removing the GRE requirements due to the pandemic. It is important to note that writing the exam and knowing your score will go a long way in assisting you in picking your schools
Why is the GRE important? Because most schools in the US do not have an idea of how strong the education from other countries are, they make use of standardized tests as a sort of guide to compare students from different part of the world.
Having a GRE score would immediately guide you in choosing schools to apply to. some schools are as we speak scrapping the GRE requirements but the reality is the number is small compared to those who still use it.
Another major requirement that can make or mar an applicants chances is the Statement of Purpose (SOP) or personal statement. This is a letter usually to the admissions committee explaining to them why you want to attend their program. I will elaborate more on this requirement.
For a chemistry or Biochemistry program, it is important you draft an SOP that will stun the admissions committee and make them want to have you. Many students including myself have been approached by professors because of our SOPs.
I was rejected by four schools in the US and one in Canada because I poorly drafted my SOP and after realising my mistakes with the help of a friend, I was able to get three admissions with the same profile. Trust me when I say the SOP can be a game changer for you.
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