also yesterday my d*d called me a karen because i said it's bad to let poor people die + also because i asked my mom to help me on the puzzle we were working on
we got in a huge fight over cv and they just dont understand or acknowledge any of my points. i'll say x, theyll say y. i'll say i agree with you on y but im not talking about y, im talking about x. and theyll just repeat y or say z. like they cant acknowledge facts
and i couldnt even share my overarching pt because they just wont listen!!!!! so frustrating! i usually just let them yell and yell and yell but once in a while i cant help it and say no to them & their ungodly cruel words!
like they were saying how the flu shot is a gov conspiracy now. my parents have always been pro vaccine. my mom didnt like the flu shot though but took everything else. now apparently they dont believe in any? or anything the doctors are saying? and also how trump cant be blamed
for this bc he just didnt know / bc other people told him it wasnt that serious. newsflash! other countries got the memo! AND whatever we knew at the time (bc personally i didnt take it seriously until the shut down) is not the same as what the fricking president knew! he had
intel AND obligations us normal ppl didnt!!!! AHHHHHHH i cant think about this any more im going to go insane again.
and also i realize they most likely dont sound that mean in this thread but thats because i dont want to give any details of this nor do i want to repeat the horrible stuff they said! im just sharing a sliver to express some of my point!!
like this went on for a literal HOUR with everyone talking super fast too… and then they just GAVE UP bc they realized they couldnt counter me and went back to normal like NOTHING HAPPENED ie my mom going back to working on the puzzle & h*m then asking us if we wanted an egg
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