I am officially starting my 12-hour lord of the rings movie binge which means I will be unreachable except for when I occasionally pop in to dish out my hot takes on middle-earth. (thread)
this thread will include spoilers btw but I’ll try and tag them
gollum is the king of self-quarantine he stayed inside his cave for 500 years and we should all follow his lead
I always had a crush on frodo and I always will hes so cute and sweet when he’s in the shire I am angry 😔
oh to be a hobbit dancing with sam at bilbo’s party 😔😔😔😔😔
every time I watch lotr I’m more and more aware of all the story tropes and characters jk rowling stole from this and it makes me more disillusioned with harry potter
I’ve been in love with sean astin ever since I watched rudy and this movie just makes me fall even more in love with him Sam gamgee is ultimate husband material
this is gay
every time I remember that liv tyler/arwen is the daughter of steven tyler I lose like ten years off my life
for a series about rings and wearing them everyone here has terribly manicured hands and extremely dirty fingernails
the fellowship just formed so it’s time for a meme
went to make a sandwich and now I am starting fellowship disc 2
frodo is so cute. tiny baby I wanna kiss u. can’t believe elijah wood was 18-19 when this was filmed I legit could’ve had a shot with him
if a regular sized person fell in love with a hobbit and they got married and moved to the shire what would happen like would they just be condemned to a life of back pain from crouching down all the time
I used to hate boromir but now that I’m older I realize he’s just representation of the fact that humans are flawed but ultimately good despite making mistakes
like aragorn is what we should be and boromir is what we are
I love how sam always calls aragorn strider
okay I had to run an errand but now I’m starting two towers here we go
this is the really gay one but I love seeing sam and frodo doing their thing I want that </3
sitting here eating m&ms like popcorn and watching sam get jealous of the attention frodo’s giving gollum
just passed this scene
when was the last time aragorn showered
found this fancam so I’m putting it in the thread because I love him
I know I said I’d always keep my styx layout but I’m so tempted to bring back my tsrts robert pfp and do a lord of the rings header </3
gandalf changes his name based on his hair color so I’m gonna start going by hannah the blonde
eowyn is on screen so I need this
just got to this scene
the thing with these movies is that like sometimes I just randomly laugh while watching and it just happened at the part where gollum screams “my precious” and then just screams
I think the reason I never had a height preference when it comes to guys is because I had a crush on frodo when I was in 8th grade
my absolute favorite tolkien story is that treebeard is based off of CS Lewis
I’m about to raise a moral question debating whether or not gollum/smeagol is a victim of circumstance
samwise gamgee bisexual
no thoughts head empty just gay
is anyone still reading this
samwise gamgee only had good intentions his entire life he was trying to protect frodo because he’s an amazing friend and I love both of them so much they care about each other and have the most loving relationship and a cosmically strong bond and I just love this series and I hh
oh god the spiderweb scene I hate it here I hate it I hate it I hate it
they use a battering ram like three times in this series which isn’t a huge number but it’s just surprising that they had one three whole times
merry has the fattest crush on eowyn it’s so cute I love him
can’t believe I started this almost 12 hours ago. ive taken some breaks for food and stuff but like I really started watching at 11:15 this morning and now it’s 10:50 pm
I just finished :)))) definitely not crying and sobbing while the credits play :)))) I hate this series :))))
tomorrow I’m gonna go back through this thread and give commentary because these are too funny but I’m not emotionally stable enough to go through them rn
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