Ifa at its core is a divination system that is actually pretty mathematical.

It’s a binary system that holds 256 combinations of Odus. Each odu is encoded with the esoteric knowledge of the universe, and existence straight from Olodumare. Let’s talk about some in this thread! ⤵️
So you can think of Odun as a big book of life. This book has 256 chapters that holds pieces of wisdom from Olodumare (the creator) to assist humans on Earth. Each book has their verses and stories as well. We have around 1,700 verses and at least 440,000 variations of stories⤵️
The 256 Odu is separated into two groups. One is are major chapters, which are called the 16 Meji. The other are 240 combination.

Remember I said 256? 256 possible combinations from 16. This is a mathematic binary system of the universe⤵️
Each individual on this Earth has an Odu attached to their destiny they chose from àjàlá Mopin in Orun (heaven/astral realm).

When you get initiated into Ifa, you find out which 256 is attached to your destiny and your general essence of your life on this Earth!⤵️
Odu was given from Olodumare to Orunmila, the diviner, to assist humanity. Odu holds literally the creation point of everything, the metaphorical womb

It is said that any individual with a womb already carries the essence creation within them and thus the divine code of life ⤵️
Because each odu carries all the chapters of life, it carries the harmonious and disharmonious aspects of life as well. But also the secrets in how to turn the disharmony into ire (blessings) that are present within each verse and story⤵️
Going back to the 16 Mejis, the major chapters of life. This is how they look:

Sectioned into 1s and 2s, a lot of individuals can connect a lot of abstract mathematical concepts within this binary divination system⤵️
Also, meji means “two” in Yoruba. Literally making the translation the “16 Two” because they appear in pairs. From this 16, the other 240 combinations are created. The combinations are read right to left when it appears in divination (and on your screen)⤵️
I actually did some research/a paper in the similarities I noticed with another divination system and Ifa

Remember how Ifa looks like? Take this, the Chinese Divination system I-Ching⤵️
Similar right? Well there hexagrams creates 64 combinations and comparing their verses within it, the details are mad similar to Ifa Odus. Which is why many folks believe for parts of the I-Ching to be derived from the Ifa Odu⤵️
And it’s not even speculation, but an actual working concept when we move it into mathematical concepts. Peep this photo.

See how math heavy these systems are? Here is a good link that breaks apart Ifa into its bare mathematical concept: https://www.valdostamuseum.com/hamsmith/VodouFA.html⤵️
I’ll leave y’all with that! Odus are like epics of life itself, mad cool.

If y’all want me to go into detail about the 16 Mejis let me know! But I hope y’all left this thread with some knowledge of what this divination system is 💛
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