I'm just a little bit in labor
Like nowhere near hospital time but we've started
Like they shot the gun for the race and my labor kinda started ambling down the track
So far this is: kind of uncomfortable and mostly boring
The dogs know and they're kind of annoyed
Contractions feel a LOT like period cramps so I keep forgetting to track that they are happening because my only experience with this sensation is that I just have to ignore it and it'll stop eventually
I'm all stoically breathing quietly through contractions but lifting my left leg more than a couple inches makes me yell and curse
That's been true for a while tho, it's a real drama when I put on pants in the morning
I'm a lot in labor now and we're gonna have dinner then head to the hospital.
I'm MOSTLY 7 min apart
Sometimes five or ten
I'm all *chomp, chomp, pizza chomp, chomp* OOP *breathing.....* PHEW *chomp, chomp chomp*
This isn't pleasant but I really can't overstate how bad my periods get.
Dr lady at the hospital: "well the pain should be debilitating"

Me: "oh...fuck maybe not then"

Dr lady: "like you can't talk through it and have to just breathe"

... Yeah I mean. Yeah. That's not debilitating... Is it?
Like debilitating sounds really bad... "Can't do anything but be in pain" is a whole range of ouches
Anyway we're going now
Just yelling at other cars "I'm in labor!!!!" when they do something I don't like. (I'm not driving ofc)
V satisfying
Ofc I dropped to 3 min apart the second we got into the car so wooooooooo
I'm not v dilated but I have 3 min contractions that suck all of the balls so this seems like it's gonna be a looong evening
Ok no thank you
They gave me morphine so I could get some sleep and I did indeed get some! Yay

Still just... Slowly dilating
Taking too long so they're sending me home.
That is not my favorite thing but that's what we're doing.
Adventure continues!
They seem to AGGRESSIVELY not believe me when I talk about these contractions tho
They've decided I've been in labor so back to the hospital it is.
I've been awake for most of the last 36 hrs so I keep passing out and dropping into REM for 30 seconds then jerking awake.

Time is very strange right now


Oh they gave me a covid test and I am negative, which is great because it means I got to take my mask off

I would like to let you all know that it blows to breathe through contractions also through a mask
Also! The covid test fucking sucks wow
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