my ride or die; a thread
see this skinny bitch...his name is haziq adham(bar)!!!......he's turning 18!!!!! (but my wifi gets blocked at 12 so i gotta post this now)
ANYWAYS what i wanted to express in this heartfelt thread is how this noobshit is one of the most important people in my who has never gave up on me,one who continues to spoil me with love even though all that i do is be mean :((((
even though he is built like a noodle! he has one of the strongest hearts ive ever known...things haven't always been easy for haziq (and it still isnt) but he doesnt let that stop him from being an amazing friend with exceptionally horrible jokes đŸ€’đŸ€’
he'd be the type to post you an acne patch just to stop to hear you whining about your goddamn pimple and send you dumb videos to cheer you up (even though they arent funny at all) he would read up your whole mbti type explanation just so that he could understand you better
he'd also be the type to visit you at work and stay there for 6 hours doing nothing just so that he could teman you balik and when you feel like the whole world is against you a haziq adham will always have your back because thats what friends are for right đŸ„ș
so in all honesty......without feel pretty empty and extra dead inside..because who would wanna listen to me membebel about how id die for haruka nanase????? who would i have fights over dumb things with???? who am i gonna send my half-assed selfies to????
who's gonna make me laugh like shit because of their horrible jokes???who's day am i gonna listen to?? who am i gonna cry to whenever i have a hard time???who is gonna give me the whole world just to see me smile if it isnt him?
so what i want him to know is that even though i can be hard on him...even though i say things that are...really mean.....i wish he knew how much i love him....that im sorry if ive ever let him sleep with a heavy heart..that im sorry if ive ever made him feel any less than enough
that im truly grateful to have someone who went to my class everyday just to check up on me,that i wish i could tell him how hard it was for me to go through a day without talking to him even though i dont act like it,that its okay that we're polar opposites-
and that he doesnt have to like the things that i like because i would still love him either ways :( i know we went through alot of bumpy rides but LOOK AT US WHO WOULDVE THOUGHT KSKSK
i love you..reallyđŸ„ș.......thank you for making me feel a lil less hard to love,for making me feel a lil less difficult,for listening,for giving your it all be it on stormy or sunny days,for being always so patient with me,for continuously trying to improve yourself for me
happy birthday loml! may you achieve your hopes and dreams and may allah bless you with everlasting happiness and health. here's to more dumb arguments and hysterical laughs together. you occupy a shit ton of space in my heart,i love you <3
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