When you’re out and about today, remember this: you have NO idea what someone else’s situation is. Feel safer in a mask? Go for it! MYOFB where others’ choices are concerned. Maybe they have a health condition and cannot breathe in a mask. Live and let live, ffs.
We have gotten wildly different stories, data, numbers from even the “experts”. SOME experts have said masks are minimally effective or for some, detrimental. Some experts say otherwise.

YOU AND I aren’t experts. You take the precautions YOU need to, and I’ll respect yr choice.
Above and beyond the whole “Karen” thing, how about a modicum of COMPASSION for other people? Maybe that lady you’re side-eyeing because she’s taking too long picking out salad dressing struggled with grocery shopping BEFORE ALL THIS SHIT and now finds it even more difficult.
I’ll be gracious with you even though I see your huffle puffle, hear your angry muttering and flailing of hands because I was like 8 fkg feet away from you. I’ll extend the courtesy of NOT returning your ire. Because I don’t know your situation.

And you don’t know MINE.
Social media is a friggin’ CANCER that we’ve allowed to become a crutch; stunt-junk for common decency, civility and compassion. Every moment you spend spewing angry, negative vibes IRL is another ripple in the energies around us all. Consider choosing differently.

You can follow @realAuntieVodka.
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