1/5. I’d like to share a postprint of a forthcoming paper. Of the papers I’ve written, this is one of my favorites. Not because the findings are particularly “groundbreaking,” but because it shares the full discovery process, warts and all. This new paper tells the backstory
2/5. of another paper we recently published: “What counts as an ‘environmental’ issue? Differences in environmental issue conceptualization by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.” Group differences in environmental issue conceptualization is not quite what we thought
3/5. we were going to study when we began this line of research; we had an intervention study in mind to build on previous work. But when we recruited community participants and conducted focus groups to build that intervention message, they taught us some things that
4/5. made us realize we should take a step back and conduct some additional studies to examine whether the numbers meant what we thought they did. In other words, our qualitative research ended up improving our quantitative inferences. That’s what I love about this paper.
5/5. So, without further ado, I’m delighted to share “Using Qualitative Approaches to Improve Quantitative Inferences in Environmental Psychology” which is now in press at MethodsX. Postprint here: https://psyarxiv.com/eqyjp 
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