Once you understand sex's role in a romantic relationship, you understand why God wants us to save it for the marriage covenant.

It is to bring two people together in an inseparable way. Sex ties souls and hearts together just as much as it joins two bodies together.

This union that sex fosters in a relationship is what constitutes to a nasty break up. You have to undo the ties and cords that sex created between the two of you.

It hurts. It's messy. Quite literally, you lose a part of yourself when this happens.

It isn't that God doesn't want you to experience the gift of sex, because He does (He came up with this wild idea, after all).

Truth is, He knows what it does to people. He knows how much hurt breaking away from a sexual lover can cause.

The only way you can safely experience this intimate exchange of your very existence with another person is through marriage.

Why marriage? The marriage relationship (or covenant) is the only relationship where there is nothing that can break it (ideally, of course).

If you are married to someone, you need to share your most intimate parts with them. They need to know exactly who you are and everything you stand for.

For you men, she needs to feel close to you. This happens through sex and proper foreplay.

For you women, he needs to feel strong and accepted. This happens when sex becomes an act of a man giving to you, and you accept his offer. Then, you give in return (sometimes this "giving" is in the form of childbearing).

The reason casual sex or even sex within a dating relationship is so dangerous is because there is nothing holding the two of you together.

If life gets hard for the two of you, there's nothing keeping you together.

Sex is great, I'm sure, but if you aren't married, it is an enormous risk, because you are putting all of your cards on the table.

At this level of exposure and vulnerability, you might as well already be married.

But if you aren't, you are risking so much heartache.

As a Christian, you must understand the role sex plays in a marriage. The better your understanding, the better the sex, and the more your marriage will benefit from it.

I'm not married. But understanding my worth and the role of sex both protects myself and my lover.

While I believe sex is one of the, if not the, highest forms of intimacy, my protecting of my lover's heart and body is also an understated form of intimacy.

Protecting your woman will draw her closer to you.

Protect her heart and body.

If she becomes yours, then all that time spent protecting her heart and body will reap the rewards of not only the marital intimacy you so desire, but it becomes even more meaningful because you waited.

Proves to her she is YOUR woman and no one else's.

Save yourself.

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