1/Do numbers matter in redox biology?

In our new paper “Quantitative Redox Biology of Exercise” with @margaritelis and @Anton_Matsakas we present the kinetic concepts, numbers and equations to perform “street fighting” quantitation in redox biology.

2/Too much data and concepts in redox biology.

However, many are conflicting or might not make sense.

Example: the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in muscle is debatable and it is unknown how much has to be increased to transduce signaling.
3/Part of the difficulty lies in the absence of solid quantitative information regarding basic redox biology measures.

This is evident by the prevalence and limitations of the two most frequently used frameworks to explain changes in RONS levels:
4/The “oxidants/antioxidants seesaw” model

is inadequate mainly because the different oxidants and antioxidants are not equal and, therefore, cannot be “weighed”.
5/The “RONS triangle” model

is inadequate mainly because the driver of redox biology is the vague level of a RONS that directs trinary outputs emphasizing RONS levels instead of circuitry and neglecting the role of other molecules.

Providing key numbers that describe the redox world using examples from exercise physiology.
7/1st part

We explain the very basic chemical kinetics concepts in order to appreciate the factors that govern the speed of redox reactions:

i) the rate constant of a reaction (k)
ii) the concentrations of the reactants

Reaction rate = k[A][B]
8/The steady state of a RONS is reached when the rates of formation (V formation) are balanced by the rates of consumption (V consumption):

[RONS]ss = V formation /(k consumption + k signaling)

[H2O2]ss = V NADPH oxidases /(k GPx + k Prx + k sulfur switches)
9/The time (t) it takes for a RONS to diffuse a distance (L) is determined by its diffusion constant (D):

t = L^2/D

The time required for H2O2 to diffuse across the erythrocyte is:

t = L^2/D = 49/2000 = 24.5 ms

Unlikely considering that the half-life of H2O2 is 0.01–1 ms.
10/The rate of scavenging radicals by antioxidants is determined by the rate constant (k) of reaction between the antioxidant and radical as well as the concentration of the antioxidant and radical:

Rate of radical scavenging = k antioxidant + radical × [antioxidant] [radical]
11/2nd part

Based on literature analysis, we provide the most reliable* concentrations in blood & muscle for:

-hydrogen peroxide
-nitric oxide
-vit C
-vit E

Necessary for study design in exercise physiology/nutrition.

*equivocal in many cases
12/The three primary RONS are found at very low concentrations (nano- to picomolar).

This is important because it shows:
i) how efficient the antioxidant system is
ii) only a small increase in RONS production at microdomains can exponentially increase their concentration.
13/The long-suffering GSH:GSSG couple has been an attractive target for applying quantitative approaches.

It seems that all numerical attempts have limitations.

Contradictory messages can emerge from different calculations that aim to describe the same thing (redox status).
14/3rd part

The effect of exercise on superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide levels in skeletal muscle (26 studies).

We show that acute exercise increases RONS levels in cytosol or whole muscle but not in mitochondria (discrepant data).
15/We found that one bout of exercise increases hydrogen peroxide levels by 64%.

Is this increase sufficient to be sensed by redox-sensitive proteins and transduce signaling?

Our calculations say NO, unless, hydrogen peroxide increases much more in specific microdomains.
18/Invaluable books for anyone looking for quantitative data in biology:

Cell Biology by the Numbers by Milo & Philips

Physical Biology of the Cell by Philips, Kondev & Theriot https://www.amazon.com/Physical-Biology-Cell-Rob-Phillips/dp/0815344503

Corrections and suggestions are more than welcomed.

We hope that this paper initiates a dialogue in redox numerical biology.

Read the paper if you want to know more and check for yourself!
Still there?

I will close with a painting by Kandinsky.

The image is both chaotic and geometric as redox life probably is.

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