#EricGarner ‘s last words: “I can’t breathe.” Six years later, another Black man is killed moaning “I can’t breathe.”

I BELIEVE in nonviolence, but I DOUBT Black (or ANY) people’s ability to put up with police violence INDEFINITELY & NONVIOLENTLY. @ap
If Black people reacted to the real threat of the police

the way White “patriot” protesters react to the fake threat of facemasks,

African Americans would be walking around with assault weapons.

1 in 1000 Black men will be killed by the police.
Having traveled extensively protesting #PoliceBrutality & teaching criminal justice reform at Harvard , my common sense tells me: the patience of Black people is admirable but NOT unlimited.

Many police departments could start streaming a series on Netflix of their brutality.
The police that lynched this Black man curbside are the SAME type of police that Amy “Karen“ Cooper called for in lying faux distress. #CentralParkKaren #ICantBreathe @nytimes @AP #AmyCooper
Would America permit Pres. #Trump ‘s sons being 21x more likely to be killed by the police than young Black men?

In fact Black young men are 21x more likely to be killed by police than young White men.

Be clear, America’ s policing problem is a #whitesupremacy problem. @ap
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