One World Government... The Religion Of The Elite... Luciferianism.

So it’s a pretty common theme in NWO exposure (Luciferianist Elite)...
But it is not fully accepted by the CT community...
And it’s even more discouraged by conspiracy skeptics.
(1) And I hold no judgement or ill will towards people who find it “too far out” even for them.

What I will say in defense of those like me who do hold these beliefs...
Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist or Atheist...
(2) What you personally believe is not what is important in coming to understand this theory...

The most important thing to keep in mind is that these... people... do!

And that should give people pause on their journey in life.

I’ll be objective here, even as a firm believer..
(3) .
Satan could be nothing.
Religion could be fake.
Any sort of paranormal hypothesis could be nothing but the delusions of an over-imaginative populous...

And yet...

The idea of dark arts and Luciferianism does mean something to these people...
(4) And that is the focal point of my “message” here.

The infiltration of various secret societies is well documented & speculated upon, at least to the theory’s decoders.
(5) The most frequently referenced “evidence” of this theory, is the use of symbolism and numerology in pop culture & famous/infamous historical events...

Again, it’s important to note, even if this is absolute dog sh*t to you, it is not to Them!
(6) My personal belief, is that this is the One World Religion of the NWO agenda.
I’m thoroughly convinced of that.
(7) As a reassurance of my aim, ie focusing on what They believe, and to dissuade any suspicion of bias on my part, or suspicion of leading people on with something catered to myself...
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