So there is a social thing I'm really bad at and I always fear that I sounds rude and I realized it's because of the way my family communicates (this isn't a my family is bad thing)

I'm super bad at remembering to ask people how they are or things like that if they've asked me
The reason for this is that a lot of my interactions with family in particular assume that the question is implicit in my answering "how are you" or my talking about a show or hobby

So my family has always jumped into their answer when I'm done speaking
And the reverse is true too. If I ask what's up and they answer...I just go back and forth and then when they are done answering, I answer the unasked question. And I'm only starting to realize I do this.
I'm saying this bc I know I do this in DMs too, so please know my not asking isn't not caring, typically- it's because I ASSUME YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME.

Anyway social interaction is weird and formed by your familial interactions
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