Wokies think "Earn this vote or lose" is a viable strategy. As I said yesterday, if Joe Biden loses HE WILL STILL LIVE HIS BEST LIFE, just like Hillary is living hers. https://twitter.com/Kennymack1971/status/1265294854537568257
"Earn this vote or lose" should be renamed "Earn this vote or:
✓kids stay in cages"
✓the wall will be built"
✓more conservative judges"
✓more racism from the Oval Office"
✓fewer people will have healthcare"
✓more corruption"
✓Trump will continue to abuse the office"
✓Jared will continue to run things"
✓the Justice Depart will contiue to act as Trump's defense counsel"
✓science will continue to be ignored by administration"
✓we will continue to have incompetent and cruel responses to pandemics"
✓the NRA will continue to run gun policy"
✓our environemtal policy will be a joke"
✓Trump chooses a couple more Supreme Court Justices."
✓Trump will be rewarded for his racism."
✓Trump will never be held accountable"

I could go on. But this notion that you are punishing Biden for not earning your vote is ridiculous
sure it will suck for him and be humilating (ask Hillary) but he will recover and live his best life (ask Hillary again). The folks who will suffer the most by "Earn this vote or lose" are the people who can least afford for Trump to remain in office. It's a binary choice folks!
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