This is a totally random thread and I bet nobody cares about all that I'm about to say but I just want to say it

I know people say things in curious cat to get under peoples skin or because they think it's funny or whatever - so whoever said this was obvi trolling
But someone referred to me as a "female incel" and I looked up what that would even mean....

First of all, I dont know why people are so concerned with my relationship status and/or sexual history. It's actually extremely weird
Second, I'm not ashamed of anything despite how people keep acting like I should be embarrassed or something about what I have and havent experienced. I know I'm not alone in my experience and it's so weird that people are so concerned with what a woman does sexually.
Lastly - my celibacy is not involuntary. I've done a lot of self reflecting and I KNOW that I've been single my whole life because of my own issues with intimacy/trust not because it has never been an option. Sex is about connection for me, not pleasure. And that's my business
So sorry for the random rant but I'm really sick of people acting like its anyone elses business but my own and instead of having meaningful conversations with me about it, trying to use it as something to embarrass me or make me feel ashamed. I'm not embarrassed so move on
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