1/ Consumer behavior and spend rarely shift in the ways we have seen over the past two months. I explore in this post what opportunities this may pose for entrepreneurs https://link.medium.com/rFFm2h0YN6 
2/ We are waiting to see if a robust recovery can happen after our economy has been put into a shelter-in-place induced coma. Most would agree, though, that the imprint of the last two months will have long term impact.
3/ This pause has been a reset along many dimensions for consumers and businesses alike. Many companies with thin margins like restaurants, hospitals and airlines dependent on high volume, in person customer interactions have found that their decline has accelerated.
4/ Customers are evaluating what is necessary and not just what is wanted. Spending habits will shift long term and every category is being questioned. E.g. Where will spend previously spent on travel go in the near term? Will consumer fitness transition online?
5/ As a seed stage investor, it means I’m looking for companies that play into what we need for the future. Privacy preserving data sharing and identity. Knowledge management for increasingly distributed teams. Intelligent supply chain. Discovery oriented commerce...
6/ Last but not least, I’ll look for investments in a space my friend @nycbabylon calls the Future of Joy - interpret that however you might given our circumstances but if you think you’re building something in that space, I’m super interested in talking!
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