I'm not surprised when liberals are completely ignorant of their own bigotry because the Democratic Party has advanced the position that simply being a Democrat makes you immune to racism, so there is very rarely any self-reflection there.
Once they abandoned fighting for sweeping systemic reforms, all they really had to argue their superiority was a new symbolic metric based solely on the use or avoidance of certain taboo words or very specific actions.
Otherwise, you might notice that the neoliberal agenda Democrats were now forwarding disproportionately victimized already vulnerable groups, which would lead the careful observer to question whether their mastery of Social Justice language was anything other than predatory.
In essence, they've eroded our collective understanding of racism so thoroughly to protect their claim over being the party of People of Color that you have Dem voters calling the Police on Black people but making sure to say "African American" because otherwise, that's racism.
Unfortunately, despite rote memory of certain phrases, people do not actually believe racism, sexism, neoliberalism etc. are hegemonic or systemic in any real way.
They believe themselves/their in-group largely immune and the existence of more extreme examples, like Trump, act to cement that in their minds.
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