The videos of the evil acts of racism by Amy Cooper and the Minneapolis Police Department officers are horrifying and sickening, yet an accurate depiction of the dangers Black men face daily in America. I fight the urge to be fearful for my brothers and sons.
What makes the videos even more traumatic is that both acts were intentional. Amy Cooper knew what to say and exactly how to say it to get the response she was looking for. I would imagine the woman who falsely accused Emmit Till used the same strategy.
Which by the way, Carolyn Bryant's confession of false accusations did not nearly garner the traction it warranted, not that the accusation if true justified Emmit Till's murder in the first place. When is she going to get prosecuted, I'm not concerned with how old she is.
The murder of the yet unidentified man by the Minneapolis Officer did not have to happen. Why do you have the need to place your knee on the neck of a man you have handcuffed on his stomach? And citizens are telling you that you are killing him, and you don't flinch!
And they've told you he is dead, and you still don't remove your knee. Your sense of white superiority is so great that you would knowingly brutalize a dead Black body. And they knew he was gone when the officer with the gloves checked his pulse.
And the worst part is, we need to prepare ourselves for these officers to get away without it. If men like Alton Sterling and Eric Garner and how many others@can be murdered on video and be exonerated, then it is not without precedence that so will they.
I'm sad, I'm angry. I hope and pray that God will protect my brothers and sons from this sin of racism and white superiority. I hope and pray the day comes when he won't have to.
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