That's not all: 22% of English fines went to POC, despite us being 15.5% of the population. Further analysis I've done for Liberty Investigates finds that of the 13,445 fines, 2,957 could have gone to people of colour. The proportionate number? 1557
Our analysis also contradicts an initial claim from the NPCC that the first set of fines were issued proportionately. They weren't. And the NPCC has since changed how it records the fines' ethnicity data
It's not just about the fines. Under lockdown, there have been several instances of people of colour having bad experiences with the police, from Marie Dinou to Desmond Ziggy Mombeyarara. And, of course, these problems existed prior to the pandemic
Big thanks to @guardian for publishing, @matthabusby for putting up with me, Mike Shiner for his incredible amount of help, and @copwatcher, @ffrenchkatrin and @jpormerod for talking to me. Especial thanks to Shazia Zahieer and Tayyba Arif, who you'll learn about in the article
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